蘇俄5400位6-16歲兒童統計之心跳HR及HRV研究,發現平均心跳從6歲時的每分鐘91次逐漸降至16歲時的每分鐘73次(已與成人相同),而兒童的平均HRV從6歲時的51 ms逐漸升至16歲時的61 ms
Heart Rate Variability in Healthy Six-to Sixteen-Year-Old Children
Russian version
A.R.Galeev*,L.N.Igisheva**,and E.M.Kazin*
*Kemerovo State University,Kemerovo,Russia
**Kemerovo State Medical Academy,Kemerovo,Russia
Abstract -To study the age-related features of heart rate variability in children between the age of 6 to 16 years,cardiac rhythmograms of 5400 children were analyzed.It was found that parameters of the heart rate (M,SDNN,RMSSD,TF,VLF,and HF)in these children increase with age,changing in a wavelike way from year to year.Gender differences were observed in parameter M beginning from the age of 9;in parameters TF, VLF,and LF,the differences were observed beginning from the age of 11;and in parameters SDNN,RMSSD, and HF,the differences were observed from the age of 12 years.No differences between 16-year-old boys and girls in all the parameters of heart rate variability were found.It was shown that parameter VLF derived from ECG epochs of less than 5-min is suitable for physiological and clinical assessment.The obtained values of the parameters can be used in practice as reference standard.
Human Physiology,Vol.28,No.4,2002,pp.428-432.Translated from Fiziologiya Cheloveka,Vol.28,No.4,2002,pp.54-58. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2002 by Galeev,Igisheva,Kazin.
Analysis of heart rate variability is prominent among modern methodological approaches to assessment of the state of cardiovascular system and the body as a whole. However,the complicity of the practical application of this method consists in significant individual differences in heart rate parameters in healthy people. This makes clinical and physiological interpretation of the heart rate parameters difficult. Much importance in the assessment of the heart rate variability is attached to age-and gender-related features [1-4 ]. School age is the particular concern,because the proportion of healthy children from four to five times decreases during the period of school education. Chronic disease and prenosological states due to dysregulation have been found in more than half of students. In this connection,over the last decade,significance of methods for monitoring and express assessment of children's state of health grew.
For this reason,of special interest are the results of investigation of parameters of heart rate variability in short recordings obtained from children of different ages. However,there are few works with samples of large sizes and characterization of each year of life.More over,different units of measurement of presented data are used in the majority of studies.This substantially impedes their comparison and implementation. Currently,standards of measurements,physiological interpretation,and clinical use of heart rate variability are recommended by the International Society of Cardiologists [4 ].These recommendations should be taken into account in different studies of cardiac rhythm.
We examined the heart rate variability in 6-to 16-year-old children with the aim of obtaining normal values of indices suitable for express-estimation of the state of cardiovascular system.
Discussion & Conclusions