患有先天性單一心室循環Fontan Circulation心臟病的兒童其HRV較正常者低且隨著成長惡化
患有先天性單一心室循環Fontan Circulation心臟病的兒童其HRV較正常者低且隨著成長惡化
Heart rate variability in children with Fontan circulation.
Rydberg A, Rask P, Hörnsten R, Teien D.
Pediatr Cardiol. 2004 Jul-Aug;25(4):365-9.
Department of Clinical Sciences, Paediatrics, Section of Paediatric Cardiology, Umeå University Hospital, S-901 85 Umeå, Sweden. Annika.Rydberg@pediatri.umu.se
Heart rate variability (HRV) can be used to study cardiovascular autonomic control. This study examines HRV in children with Fontan circulation and its change over time. Thirty-four children in two groups were examined. Group A consisted of 10 patients who had undergone total cavopulmonary connection. Group B consisted of 24 healthy children/adolescents matched for gender, height, and weight. To analyze HRV parameters, all examinations included echocardiography and 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiogram. Comparing all patients and controls, there were no significant differences in HRV parameters. Analyzing subgroups of patients younger than 10 years old, two of the HRV parameters were significantly different compared to controls. For the group of patients older than 10 years, eight of the HRV parameters were significantly reduced. Most significant differences were found regarding low-frequency range (p < 0.008) and high-frequency range p < 0.008. This study confirms the finding of earlier studies that patients with Fontan circulation have a reduced HRV, and our findings indicate that there is a progressive reduction of HRV over time.
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