禁煙一星期的效應看得到:收縮壓,舒張壓,及心跳均下降; 自律神經總活性HRV及副交感HF均提高; 自律神經傳導物norepinephrine 正腎上腺素及epinephrine 腎上腺素血中濃度均降低
Effects of smoking cessation on blood pressure and heart rate variability in habitual smokers.
Hypertension. 1999; 33(1 Pt 2):586-90 (ISSN: 0194-911X)
Minami J; Ishimitsu T; Matsuoka H
Department of Medicine, Division of Hypertension and Cardiorenal Disease, Dokkyo University School of Medicine, Mibu, Tochigi, Japan. j-minami@dokkyomed.ac.jp
We investigated the effects of 1-week of smoking cessation on ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability in 39 normotensive male habitual smokers (mean+/-SEM, 32.5+/-1.0 years). The ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and ECG R-R intervals were measured during a 24-hour period with a portable recorder (TM-2425) on the last day of 1-week smoking and nonsmoking periods. The order of the 2 periods was randomized. In the smoking period, the subjects were instructed to smoke cigarettes according to their usual smoking patterns. A power-spectral analysis of R-R intervals was performed to obtain the low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) components. The percentage of differences between adjacent normal R-R intervals >50 milliseconds (pNN50) was used as a time-domain measure of heart rate variability. The 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure was significantly lower in the nonsmoking period than in the smoking period, by 3.5+/-1.1 mm Hg systole [P<0. 01] and by 1.9+/-0.7 mm Hg diastole [P<0.05], whereas the nighttime blood pressure did not differ significantly between the 2 periods. The 24-hour heart rate was significantly lower in the nonsmoking period than in the smoking period, by 7.3+/-1.0 beats/min (P<0.0001). The pNN50 and the 24-hour HF component were significantly higher in the nonsmoking period than in the smoking period (P<0.0001 for each). The plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine concentrations were significantly lower in the nonsmoking period than in the smoking period (P<0.05 for each). These results demonstrate the substantial and immediate benefits of smoking cessation on these cardiovascular indices.